You can easily schedule a variety of messages and campaigns using Kaleyra's Alerts or Promotional platform. Follow the steps below to schedule an SMS:

  1. Create an SMS content by clicking on "Quick Send SMS", "Unicode SMS", "Bulk Upload" or "Optin SMS" and filling out the relevant details.
  2. At the bottom of the page, you'll find an option to "Schedule SMS" (as shown in the image below). Click on it to schedule it for a later time.

For Customized messages, the option for scheduled messages can be found by following the below steps:

  1. Create the SMS content by clicking on "Customized SMS" and filling out the relevant details.
  2. Once done, navigate to the bottom of the page and click on "Preview and Send"
  3. In the preview option, scroll to the bottom, and you will find an "OR" and "Schedule" option. Fill in the details for a futuristic date and time.
  4. You can also decide if you want to split and schedule the messages that are being sent out. Remember to provide a 15-minute gap at least in between the campaigns.
  5. Once done, click on the Schedule option at the bottom of the pop-up dialogue box.

After scheduling your SMS campaigns, you may check your scheduled SMS reports in "Scheduled SMS" under "Sent Items".