Report Sharing

A comprehensive guide on Kaleyra's report sharing methods and capabilities

What is Amazon S3 Bucket or Amazon S3 Setup?
Amazon S3 stands for Amazon Simple Storage Service. As the name suggests, it’s a storage service within your Amazon Web Services, through a web services int...
Fri, 2 Jul, 2021 at 8:04 PM
Can I set up by S3 Setup/Bucket with Kaleyra, to receive reports and data?
Kaleyra can most definitely help you set up the S3 bucket which you either already have procured by yourself or by procuring one for you, as per your needs....
Fri, 2 Jul, 2021 at 8:00 PM
How does the S3 bucket work? How many people in my company can access it?
Once you have decided that you would like to use the S3 bucket to receive data dumps of campaigns or reports, you will first have to get the configuration s...
Fri, 2 Jul, 2021 at 8:05 PM
What kind of data can be pushed to my S3 Bucket/Setup?
Kaleyra can help you get large chunks of data that you would have to otherwise report for as reports, directly pushed to the S3 Bucket.  You can then acces...
Fri, 2 Jul, 2021 at 8:03 PM
How many days old reports can I generate from my messaging accounts?
Your Alerts and Promotional applications have an option to download a report of all the messages that have been sent from your account. You can download...
Mon, 5 Jul, 2021 at 9:13 PM
What if I want reports for the previous financial year, how can I get this report?
From the Alerts or Promotional applications, you have the feasibility to download reports for the past 90 days. Kaleyra maintains your historical data f...
Mon, 5 Jul, 2021 at 9:15 PM
If I need a report for a specific month, older than 3 months, how should I request this?
You can only request reports for the past 90 days from the Alerts or Promotional application. In case you want a report for a month older than 90 days, ...
Mon, 5 Jul, 2021 at 9:17 PM
Will Kaleyra maintain all my historical usage data from the day I have signed up?
No. Kaleyra will not maintain all your historical usage data. As per the Data Retention Policy that Kaleyra has, the data will be maintained only fo...
Mon, 5 Jul, 2021 at 9:19 PM